
RateYou is a mobile application based on social networking used to follow, share reviews and ratings for nearby users and things. RateYou allows user to find all nearby places, users based on their location and follow them. Once you follow a user or place you can give/write reviews for them and also you can rate them between 1 to 5. App allows user to see all followers, followings list and their ratings to other user or places. User can unfollow user or places anytime. User can invite or share their activities on social media facebook, twitter,linkedin etc.

Framework and Libraries Used

RateYou is a cross platform mobile application for iOS and Android devices that has developed using Xamarin.Forms and SqLite database.

  • Xamarin.Forms (v2.3.4)
  • C# (Language)
  • Sqlite (Local Database)
  • Mvvm Design Pattern
  • ASP.NET Web API 2 (Web Service).
  • Sql Server 2008 R2 (Server Database)
  • HockeyApp Crash Reporting